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Parent Involvement Opportunities at Dartmouth!


Welcome back to all returning members of the Dartmouth community and a big WELCOME to all new families and staff! 


We are excited to share the many opportunities for you to get involved at DMS including a new addition to our Dartmouth Leadership program called the Parent, Staff and ASB Alliance. This program is meant to create a bridge between home and school. We hope that this partnership will result in a wealth of knowledge, talents, skills, and resources to help our Knights grow. After all, your involvement really does make a difference in your child’s education.


Every year, The Dartmouth ASB program helps to organize and execute activities and events to promote a healthy community on campus and encourage students to engage in their education at Dartmouth. Some examples of the events and activities led by ASB are dances and socials, reward parties and trips, pep rallies, lunch activities, community service and awareness programs such as food drives and kindness weeks and so much more. As the new school year begins, we would like to ask for our parents and staff to team with us in this endeavor so that we can continue these and create more great activities and events at our school. One aspect of the ASB program is raising funds to provide for these activities and events. The money we raise goes directly back into the school to fund activities meant to encourage social and academic growth in our students.  As the new school year begins, we would like to ask for your support so that we can continue providing these opportunities for our students.


While dues are not required for membership, the Alliance depends on your annual voluntary donations to keep all sorts of wonderful things happening for the students of DMS.  If you choose not to make any voluntary donations, we still appreciate your involvement and your time contributed to support our school. Please fill out the attached form and make your check payable to Dartmouth ASB and return it at Registration(July 30, 31 and August 1) or to your child’s advisory teacher once school begins. If you have more than one child at DMS please list all your children’s names and grades on the form.


We are asking for a suggested donation of $10, but any amount will help. Individuals who make a $10+ donation will be gifted a Dartmouth Logo Car Magnet to show off your DMS pride and commitment to our school. The advisory class with the highest participation will also enjoy an ice cream party.

100% membership means everybody wins!

As a member of the Alliance you will receive a monthly email that lists all upcoming student activities and events. You will also be invited to attend quarterly volunteer meetings to help plan events on campus to benefit the kids. Participation in these planning times are completely voluntary and not a requirement for membership.


We would like to thank you in advance for your support and generous donation.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can email Tami Engel at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. May you have a wonderful school year and we look forward to seeing you at registration.


One Team- One Dream,


Tami Engel

ASB Director Dartmouth Middle School


For more information on our new alliance program, please click on the PDF's below.