Parent/Guardian Conferences - Thursday, September 28th September 28th is a minimum day at Dartmouth for conferences. School is dismissed at 1:01.
Spare Backpacks??? Please see the graphic regarding any spare backpacks that you have at home that you may not be using...
Mrs. Fields Fundraiser Order Update Thank you so much for participating in our Mrs. Fields Fundraiser!
'23-'24 Yearbooks Available for Purchase!!! Dartmouth is LOWERING the prices of the yearbook for the upcoming school year...
Western Dress Up Day and Dance!!! Our first dance of the school year was a lot of fun for our students and staff...
AVID Parent's "Knight" Thank you to our AMAZING Avid coordinator, Mrs. Dobbins, for setting up this amazing event!
Fall Sports Information Check out the graphic for information on Cross Country, Girls' Volleyball, and Flag Football...
Mrs. Field's Cookie and Cheesecake Fundraiser Check out the information below on how to get some amazing cookies and cheesecakes, and support Dartmouth in the process.
Notice of Public Hearing Please read the PDF regarding the school board meeting on September 12, 2023.
Parent/Guardian Needed for Measure X Oversight Committee Please read the PDF for more information if interested.